In an effort to maximize positive benefit and minimize negative impacts from port expansion on the former naval base, the South Carolina State Ports Authority (SCSPA), the City of North Charleston and the Lowcountry Alliance for Model Communities developed a Community Mitigation Plan (CMP). While virtually all major port development projects include traditional “green” mitigation for wetlands and other impacts, this is one of the first port expansion projects that included both community and environmental programming as part of the formal mitigation plan. The CMP is the first of its kind in the state and nation and was officially acknowledged by the United States Environmental Protection Administration.
The CMP calls for the SCSPA to fund $4.08 million in community, neighborhood and economic development projects such as redevelopment plans, small business loans, and affordable housing development. To date, the SCSPA has contributed over $2.3 million towards CMP implementation. Since 2006, the Mitigation Agreement Commission (MAC) members have work diligently to ensure key elements of the CMP were properly implemented for direct community benefit.
In 2014 the City of North Charleston will transition from providing project management assistance and fiduciary control as the MAC takes a more active role in CMP implementation. At its December 2013 meeting, the MAC elected Pastor Dr. Robert Kennedy as its new Chair.