Labor Force
- 67% of City residents age 16 and over are in the labor force.
- The estimate 33% “Not in the Labor Force” are not necessarily unemployed as this includes students and retirees who choose not to work.
- Yet unemployment is highest for those age 16-24 and those who are older than 75.
- Unemployment for those looking to work sits at around 6% for the City.
- While only 2% of the City’s labor force is in the Armed Forces, many of those in service in our region may report elsewhere as home instead of North Charleston.
- The City’s labor force is primarily engaged in five occupations.
- Major employers are distributed across the City but primarily near the two interstates and US52 or Rivers Avenue.
- Taxable land values for defined “places”, such as Park Circle, generate greater property taxes per acre than more suburbanized commercial areas. These concentrated “places” also require less infrastructure so the City can provide services more efficiently.
Input Prompts
- What things could increase participation by residents 16 and older in the labor force?
- Is there a need to diversify the type of employers located within the City?
- Does effort need to be made to concentrate major employers together geographically?
- What are the positive or negatives for the City to foster creation of “places” versus the trend in development patterns?
We need your input! Take this survey!
OR email your input to [email protected]